Our Customer Promise
We are here to provide homes and services for people to live well because we know that quality homes and connected communities create safety, stability and opportunity.
Our customers have told us what matters most to them and we have made some important promises to people who live in the homes we provide.

Our customers play a key role in enabling us to deliver on these promises. This includes being respectful and courteous to our colleagues and contractors who work on our behalf, sharing information, keeping us updated on changes that may affect their tenancy, keeping their homes in good condition and allowing us access when necessary to carry out inspections/servicing or any other work.
The Clanmil Board is accountable for every aspect of customer experience. We recognise that mutual trust, respect and partnership between customers, board members and colleagues is central to fulfilling our customer promise.
We always welcome feedback about what we are doing right and on how we can improve the services we deliver to our customers.