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Report your repairs online


Your Repairs

Clanmil Connect is the quickest and easiest way to report a repair but you can also:

Call 028 9087 6019


Emergency Repairs

For loss of power, major flooding or fire:

During office hours (9- 5 Monday to Friday), call 028 9087 6019

Out-of-hours repairs 028 9087 6019  and select option 1 (emergency repairs only)


Emergency Contacts

NI Water Faults/Emergency 084 5744 0088

Flooding Incident Line 0300 2000 100

Power NI (NI Electricity) 08457 643 643

Gas Emergency Service 0800 002 001

Window Cleaning

A service standard for window cleaning was created in 2022 to outline what is expected from Clanmil's window cleaning contractor. This was reviewed and agreed by customers who are members of Clanmil's Service Improvement Panel and Clanmil colleagues.

View the service standard for window cleaning.

Grounds Maintenance

Visit the Grounds Maintenance page 

Frequently asked questions about Repairs

Here are the answers to some of the questions we're asked most often about repairs:


Here's a list of the type of repairs that we will as your landlord

  • Ensuring your home is secure, structurally sound and weather-tight
  • Repairs and upkeep of internal and external communal areas
  • Repairs to fixtures and fittings that we have installed in your home
  • Maintaining hot and cold water supply systems
  • Maintaining windows, doors, gutters and drains
  • Maintaining all gas pipes, heating systems, electric wiring, power and light fittings
  • Repairs to any items we originally provided that are not listed as your responsibility

There are some repairs that you are responsible for. We expect you to do these as part of the upkeep of your home.

  • Keeping your home and garden clean and tidy
  • Letting us know about repairs that are needed for which we are responsible
  • Allowing us into your home to carry out repairs, safety checks and inspections - this is particularly important when it involves the annual gas, solid fuel and oil servicing and safety checks
  • Repairing, maintaining, and fitting an appliance you have installed
  • All painting and decorating inside your home
  • Preventing pipes from freezing or bursting during winter months
  • Preventing and controlling condensation - Click here for a helpful video guide
  • Draught proofing
  • Curtain rails, washing lines and door bells
  • Minor adjustments to kitchen units, cupboards and drawers
  • Cleaning extractor fans
  • Wall and floor tiles
  • Fixing or replacing toilet seats
  • Bleeding radiators - Click here for a helpful video guide
  • Replacing glass in windows and doors unless the damage was vandalism reported to the police (always remember to seek a crime number)
  • Resetting electrical trip switches
  • Replacing plugs and chains on baths, basins and sinks
  • Replacing lost or stolen keys
  • Replacing light bulbs, plugs and fuses to your appliances
  • Dealing with pests unless a building defect has allowed ingress to your property. Your local council may be able to help.
  • Clearing blockages in basins, sinks, baths and toilets. Click here for a helpful video on what not to flush down your toilet.

We'll ask you to pay for repairs that are not due to fair wear and tear, which are usually caused by damage or misuse. These are classed as 'rechargeable repairs' and apply throughout your tenancy. This usually happen when you, your family or visitors have caused accidental or deliberate damage to your home, or any communal areas.

We'll repair the damage but we'll recover the cost from you.

Here are examples of rechargeable repairs but there are others:

  • Broken toilet pan, bath or wash hand basin
  • Blocked toilet if due to negligence
  • Blocked drains if due to negligence
  • Damage to internal fixtures and fittings if due to negligence
  • Replacement of fixtures and fittings that you have removed or altered
  • Replacement of lost keys to radiator valves, window locks and doors
  • Making safe/re-glazing windows that have been broken where no crime number has been provided
  • Clearing furniture and general refuse left behind when a property becomes void
  • Clearing and reinstating garden area when a property becomes void

If you fix the damage yourself, but it's not up to our standard, we may also charge you for the cost of putting it right.

Our contractor will carry out the majority of our building repairs. We also have our own team of multi-skilled trades people. You’ll often see them out and about in their Clanmil vans.

We also have a range of specialised contractors who carry out repairs to lifts, automatic doors/gates, CCTV systems, boilers and heating appliances.

All of these people carry ID cards so that you can check they’re working for us if you have any doubts.

An emergency repair is a fault that carries the risk of immediate injury to people or major damage to property.

Examples of emergency repairs are:

  • escape of gas or fumes.  If you smell gas or suspect a gas leak, call 0800 002 001 immediately
  • electrical fittings in contact with water
  • live or bare electric wiring
  • sewage overflowing into the home
  • outside doors or ground floor windows that need secured
  • burst storage tanks, cylinders or pipes
  • failure of all lights or all power.  Before reporting, please check with your supplier to rule out a power cut in the area.  Click on NIE power cut checker or call the NIE Customer helpline 03457643643
  • failure of heating systems in severe weather and where no alternative is available.

Clanmil only covers damage to the structure of your homes.  We do not cover your personal belongings, furniture, flooring or home décor.

Home contents insurance is your responsibility and will cover you against loss, theft or damage to your personal and home possessions. A home contents insurance policy will provide you with peace of mind and can also cover you if you take items out of the home, on holiday, for example.